5 Easy Morning Habits To Start The Day Right

A good morning routine sets the tone for the day. If you start your day with a healthy, low-stress morning routine, you will improve your focus, mood and energy level for the rest of the day. And that means you will have a more productive day. If you can choose between snoozing your way through the morning or starting the day on a positive note, I think I know which one you will prefer. I definitely know which one I prefer. Do you need some inspiration on how to start the day right? I’ve got you! In this blog post, I’ve listed 5 easy morning habits.
1. Water first
After 6-8 hours of sleep, our bodies need to be rehydrated. This is a long time to go without water intake. So hydrate your body and drink a glass of water first. After that, you can have your cup of coffee because if you are like me, you are already craving a cup from the moment you wake up.
2. No phone
Don’t touch your phone after you’ve put off your alarm. No scrolling through social media, no answering texts or emails. Yes, this is difficult, I know. But checking your phone can make you feel anxious, overwhelmed and stressed. In other words, everything we don’t want to feel, especially first thing in the morning. So to start the day right, leave your phone on the ‘do not disturb’ mode.
3. Journaling
Whether you like to use prompts, do free-form writing, lists or create art. Journaling is a great way to start the day positive and mindful. I like to start with a gratitude list, then a list of things I’m looking forward to today, and at the end I answer a prompt. I like doing this kind of journaling because it makes me feel grateful, inspired and excited to start the day.
Need some journal prompts inspiration? You can find them under my ‘Journaling’ highlight on IG.
4. Move your body
Moving your body is a great way to start the day feeling energized. Whether that’s doing an intense workout, yoga or a stretching session. It doesn’t matter what you do, just move your body. During the rest of the day you will have better focus, more energy and be in a better mood. The benefits of working out in the morning are endless, so it’s definitely a good habit to pick up.
5. A Self-Care activity that you love
Having something to look forward to is key to creating a good morning routine that works. Starting the day with a self-care activity is great because you start the day doing something for you. Combining the two is even better! Whether that’s reading a good book, meditation, listening to your favorite Spotify playlist or doing your skincare routine. As long as it is something you love to do and something you do just for you, it’s perfect!
Habits and routines have a huge impact on your day. If you want to start the day right, you have to create one that works for you and gets you in the right mood. The more your routine aligns with your personal goals and needs, the more it will positively impact the rest of your day. But as you can see, you don’t need big habits to start the day right. Something as simple as journaling or moving your body for 15 minutes can already make a big difference.
What’s one of your morning habits?
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