About Inspire to Glow
Inspire to glow launched in 2020 as a place to find inspiration about everyday life. From fashion, lifestyle to wellness, you can find it all.
Are you looking for the perfect red lipstick? Do you need some inspiration for stylish work outfits? Or do you want a few tips on organizing your daily to-do’s? Inspire to Glow is here to inspire and help you!

About Hannelore
Hi! 👋🏻
My name is Hannelore. I’m 26 years old and I live in Antwerp, Belgium.
In 2020, I graduated in Digital Communication & Management from KdG College. During my studies I had the opportunity to learn a lot of new things, to work around topics that I love, like beauty, travel and food, and after graduation I missed that. I needed a way to share my interests and to keep learning about them. So, I combined my different passions with my degree in Digital Communication to create my blog.